Good Nutrition Starts at a Cellular Level

If the cells lose even the smallest amount of ability to produce energy for the body, the result is a decline in our general health and the emergence of sometime multiple degenerative conditions.Healthy cells produce our “vitality” – the body’s healthy energy level and natural resistance to stress.The big question becomes, how do we make sure our cells are working at full throttle on the energy front? Fortunately, maintaining healthy cells is fairly simple as scientific research shows that good nutrition is the key.Cells and energyWhat we eat can affect our cells and their efficiency in producing energy. The mitochondria or the “power plants” of the cell each contains a unique pattern of DNA, and their job is to facilitate cellular respiration, a process through which they transform oxygen and nutrients into energy and water.The finger-like folds in the mitochondrial inner membrane contain the respiratory “chains” where this process takes place.Unfortunately, oxygen, which is needed for this process to occur, is toxic to biological molecules and cells. That means that all processes involving oxygen, including cellular respiration, creates free radicals as a by-product.It’s just a consequence of normal metabolism, but these free radicals tend to oxidize biological molecules, just like iron oxidizes when it rusts. Over time, this oxidation can damage the cells, and halt cellular respiration, leading to the death of the cell.The body’s defense against this toxicity is to use antioxidant molecules against the free radicals.The body however, does not always get it right, and sometimes it is not able to produce enough antioxidants for the job. The result is that free radicals move around freely, ravaging the body’s proteins, fats, and DNA/RNA. The body will remove and repair some damaged macromolecules, but often the sheer overwhelming number of free radicals brings the repair system to its knees.Oxidative stressIn 1956, Professor Denham Harman came up with a theory that postulates that as we age and the oxidative damage the body has sustained over the years takes its toll, the level of oxidative stress rises.This means that oxidative damage increases over the course of a lifetime and accelerates in old age. At that point, we tend to see the occurrence of degenerative diseases, and obvious signs of ageing.Oxidative stress and chronic degenerative diseasesToday, scientists and doctors widely agree that oxidative stress figures prominently in eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration, atherosclerosis and heart disease, cell mutation and cancer, all kinds of inflammatory conditions, as well as brain and nervous system conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.Neutralizing free radicals and disease preventionSo how do we reduce or prevent free radical damage to the cells?If oxidative stress increases when antioxidant defenses are compromised and free radical levels rise, surely we can decrease oxidative stress by improving the body’s antioxidant defenses and reducing the number of free radicals floating around the blood and tissues.Optimal cellular nutritionThe experts agree: Optimal cellular nutrition is the best way to boost the body’s natural defenses.This involves providing ALL nutrients to the cell at optimal levels, and allowing the cell to decide what it does and does not need.This way, we can ensure that there aren’t any nutritional deficiencies – because nutrient levels will automatically be corrected within a few months of regaining optimal cell nutrition.This seems easy enough, but one question still unanswered is: Which nutrients are needed for optimal cellular nutrition?Basically, it means giving your body all the antioxidants in addition to the supporting B vitamins and antioxidant minerals.It has been noted by some researchers that the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each nutrient may in fact not be enough for our cells to prevent many health conditions. The RDAs are old, determined during the WW years, and apply to minimum nutrient intake to ward off deficiency diseases common back then. As a result, they don’t take into account conditions such as chronic degenerative diseases, which occur more frequently today.Optimal levels to prevent degenerative diseaseToday, the optimal levels of nutrients known to provide health benefits are much greater than the recommended daily allowances: eg: some studies show that the optimal level of vitamin C is approximately 1200 to 2000 mg daily, the RDA is only 60 mg.Because the enormous amount of fresh vegetables and fruit we would have to eat to obtain these new levels of nutrition is unmanageable for humans, the best, and most logical way to get optimum levels of vitamins,minerals and other nutrients is to take a good quality supplement.Think of cellular nutrition as a very wise way of using the supplement and your food as “preventative medicine” to stop the disease process before it even begins.It is a Myth that If I have a healthy diet, I do not need to take any supplementation.In fact, it is proven that if a large group of people were to follow the exact same dietary lifestyle & exercise program, a percentage would still suffer from high or low blood pressure, high or low blood sugar, or high or low stomach acid, while others could develop arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, mental illness, or other medical conditions.Most nutrition-related health issues in Western society are not caused by nutritional deficiencies, but rather nutritional imbalances, which will negatively affect cellular nutrition and are responsible for many common medical problems in older people, while metabolic disorders can cause nutritional deficiencies following the malabsorption of certain nutrients.When we analyze people living to a ripe old age in reasonable health without the need of supplementation, we find that they had a lot of odds in their favor: good genes and a lack of factors that tend to upset the biochemical balance necessary to maintain good health. Anything upsetting the cellular nutrition balance will do one of three things: shorten someone’s life, worsen its quality, or require compensation through extra nutritional support or drug intervention.The difference between people who take nutritional supplements (that match cellular nutrition requirements), and those who do not can always be detected in the way the body handles a crisis/trauma. If you look at younger people in a crisis situation, they simply tend to handle various medical situations better, or recover faster than older ones. This would suggest that by ingesting the correct nutritional supplementation we could in fact be lowering our biological age

Nutritional Supplements – Should I Take Them?

Lots of people take nutritional supplements to bridge nutritional gaps in their diet or as proactive health measures against certain health conditions. Are you sure you are taking the right nutritional supplement specific to your health needs? Taking some time to assess your health needs can help you choose the best supplement for optimal health.But your question may be more basic: Do I really need to take nutritional supplements? We live in unique times. Stress, pollution, conveniently accessible processed foods, unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles overtime can take their heavy toll on our health. This may manifest itself in bouts of tiredness, unhealthy weight gain, digestive problems, insomnia, or a weak immune system. In addition to these common symptoms of poor health, each of us has uniquely individual health needs.Taking care of your body today is like investing in your health for tomorrow. Let’s address some common reasons why many people do not take nutritional supplements. And those who do take nutritional supplements may also discover that you can benefit by changing or adding nutritional supplements to your diet as you assess your individual health needs.Let’s begin with:
I don’t need nutritional supplements. I eat healthy and get enough nutrition through my diet.I would suggest you do a simple exercise to confirm whether your diet is meeting your nutritional needs. Note down everything that you eat for two weeks, including the quantity. Check a nutrition table and track the nutrient value of everything you eat. After two weeks, work out your daily average and check your daily rating against your RDAs. You may be in for a slight shock! Statistics show that most Americans don’t meet their nutritional needs.
Lack of protein, too many carbohydrates. You might find that your diet lacks protein but is too high in carbohydrates. This is very common in the American diet. Cutting down on the carbs and supplementing your diet with spirulina or chlorella (high-protein content) will help fill this nutritional gap.
Lack of fiber. Another common feature is lack of adequate fiber. Fiber supplements are available as an individual product or may be included as an ingredient in a whole food nutritional supplement. Fiber is known to bind toxins in your GI tract and help speed its transit through your digestive system, thus minimizing their absorption in the body. Fiber is also known to promote healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If your diet falls short on many RDA counts, consider taking a superfood supplement which includes multi-vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fiber, probiotics and enzymes for good digestion.
I have a busy life. I’ve tried taking them, but my schedule doesn’t allow me to be consistent. I travel a lot.If you lead a busy lifestyle, taking a nutritional supplement regularly will help you have the energy and concentration power you need to perform at your maximum best. You may be on the go all the time and miss out on meals. Nutritional supplements are available in convenient-to-carry individual packets. This is usually in powdered form to be mixed with water. You can carry packets with you any where you go, and use it any time you feel the need for an energy pick-up.It is important to attend to your health needs as a priority, in addition to the many other important demands in your life. A busy schedule can add stress to your life. Stress can increase the toxin levels in your body. Not only would your body need to be armed with B-complex, but nutrients like resveratol and omega 3s can help to increase your concentration and cognitive abilities. Green tea is also known to have soothing benefits for a tired mind.
I don’t know which nutritional supplement to take. Take some time to assess your health needs. The simple exercise mentioned above will help you find your nutritional needs. You can either adjust your diet to meet your needs or introduce supplements to bridge the nutritional gaps. If you are still unsure, seek the advice of your doctor before you take any supplement.However, everyone can benefit from taking a multi-vitamin supplement. An effervescent multi-vitamin formula is the best since it allows 99% bioavailability. Look for one from a reputed company.
I take a multi-vitamin. I don’t think I need to take anything else.As research on nutrition advances, there are more nutritional supplements available to strategically help you with specific health needs. Some might be formulated for health conditions you are facing or you may likely face because you are in a higher risk category for such diseases. These include:

High cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol levels test high, or you have a family history of coronary disease, then you should look for herbal supplements that can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Omega 3 supplementation is advisable for improved heart health. Look for a pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Other nutrients for heart health include resveratrol, cocoa and green tea. Some products contain a combination of all 3 for powerful antioxidant power that promotes cardiovascular health.
Diabetes. Green tea is also known to help support healthy blood sugar levels. Green tea supplements are available in various forms.
Arthritis: Omega 3 fatty acids, along with other nutrients such as glucosamine sulfate, methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), hyal joint have been well researched for their role in supporting joint health.
Stress Induced Conditions. Stress is known to cause poor immune health and a host of health issues such as premature aging due to free radical damage. Antioxidants also help to reduce free radical activity. Free radical activity is the unstable activity of cells which can lead to their malfunction and malformation. Antioxidants help maintain normal cellular growth and repair of cells.
I’m scared I may overdose.It is very unlikely that you will overdose from nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements do not provide you your complete RDAs-just a portion of them. The rest you must get from eating a balanced diet.
Many health problems can be linked to nutritional deficiencies. For some this may mean that the road to better health may lie in improving nutritional habits. This is where nutritional supplements can play an effective role in supporting your health.Nutrition experts recommend that you get your nutrition from your diet as often as possible. Nutritional supplements are to be taken in addition to a well-balanced diet. A regular exercise routine can benefit your health as well. Discuss with your doctor about taking supplements that could strategically meet your individual health needs.

Choosing A Commercial Insurance Policy

Choosing the correct commercial insurance for your business needs can be daunting enough even for a seasoned businessman or negotiator. For a start-up enterprise ensuring that the business has full and proper protection against all risks, it is an even larger minefield.There are however some basic rules of insurance, which if born in mind while looking for the right commercial policy, will ensure that the enterprise is neither under or over insured and has the necessary cover in force.For a commercial insurance contract to be valid the proposer must have what is known in the industry as ‘an insurable interest’ in the object of the cover. This immediately helps define the type of property insurance policy that a businessman might require.The business risks to be insured under the policy are not the physical object themselves but the financial value of such, which is defined as the interest that a policyholder has in the objects should they suffer loss if the insured risks occur.Clearly then the type of policy that a business will require depends upon whether the proposer is the owner of the commercial property, or a leaseholder or tenant.An owner of a commercial premises who lets or leases a building, no matter the type of business activities that may be pursued there, would only have an interest in the buildings fixtures and fittings of the property concerned and any liabilities to the public that may arise from these.A lease-holders interest in the buildings may be dependent upon contract of lease and should be checked thoroughly with the agreement. Often a contract will make it the responsibility of the lessee to provide cover for the lease term.Owner occupiers of commercial premises will have a financial interest in both the buildings and contents of the property and will require insurance for both.Rented commercial property buildings cover is not usually the concern of the tenant who will only have an insurable interest in any contents of the building and in any improvements that they may have made to the property in order to carry out business.Before getting any commercial property insurance quotes it is necessary for the businessman to calculate the values of all the buildings, contents and stock. Buildings value should be based upon the rebuilding costs following a total loss and allowing for inflation. Accurate annual turnover figures will be required for contents insurance. If high value stock items are kept at the property, then the value of these should be determined individually.Applying for commercial insurance quotes online might only take a minute or two to complete, however the preparation needed to obtain accurate data to supply to the insurance company could take a lot longer. It is unlikely that even the small businessman has calculated the value of his office contents for replacement purposes.Ensuring that the information you supply on a commercial insurance proposal form is correct, is not only legally required, but is essential if you wish to avoid problems if a claim has to made at a future date. Problems can quickly arise with disagreements over the value of stock or office equipment values following a major loss, especially where the declared values are not sufficient and an average or proportional reduction to a claim is imposed.Having established any property risks that a commercial enterprise may be exposed to it is then necessary to look at all the potentialities and risks that the business might be liable for, in the course of carrying out its commercial activities.Liability insurance is essential for all enterprises, large or small.Public liability insurance protects the business against any claims from the public for loss or damage suffered, for which the business could be held liable. Employers liability, a type of workers compensation insurance, protects a business against being sued by its employees and is a legal requirement.Most commercial liability insurance is sold by trade or professional type with risks and covers that are specific to that business type. Additional liability insurance such as professional indemnity insurance which covers professionals against negligent advice or product liability for shops providing goods, are examples of such.Buying a combined tradesman or professional service stand-alone liability product is today a simple process using one of the many liability insurance comparison websites that exist online.It is possible to buy commercial insurance for both liability and property combined for any type of business, under what is called a ‘combined commercial insurance policy’. This type of flexible contract allows specific risks to be added and limits of indemnity chosen and is often known as ‘all risks’ cover.For specific types of commercial insurance risks such as shops and offices, where property values and liability cover can be easily assessed, it is now possible to compare many covers and buy online what are known as packaged policies.The Internet offers many full ‘all risks’ commercial insurance policies covering every eventuality and consequential loss, which are available from online insurance brokers, comparison sites and direct from commercial insurance companies themselves. If you have any doubts about the necessary cover for your particular business it is advisable to consult a commercial insurance broker who will offer advice and the latest market information.